

Just wanted to share our little story on the return of our cat Dolly.

We got our little Dolly from the RSPCA in 2014,we changed her name from Twinkle to Dolly (Dolly Parton Fans live here).

Born deaf we decided to not follow advice of keeping her indoors as we live in the quiet worcestershire countryside.

On Friday we had some work done on our 2pm the gentleman left.

By 4pm Dolly is usually in looking for food and the 7pm we got worried as was very cold and she is always in asleep by this time.

After a sleepless night and no return,we got up early and started combing the area for her neighbours Dolly.

We contacted the company who were working on the gate they searched the van and area but no sign.

Friends and neighbours put her on Facebook and we had lots of lovely well wishes looking out for her .

By Sunday afternoon we were very upset thinking the worst.

Monday morning at 7:30am we had a phone call from the gate factory saying she was sitting on there desk looking very bewildered!

The fabulous team of workers locked down the factory as the tried to catch her!she is very quick!!!

So joyous news our Dolly is home...bit lucky and starving after her adventure!

She tucked into Sundays left over chicken tuna and Dreamies and is back where she belongs in front of the fire.

She must of snuck into the van and stayed hidden.

Just wanted you to know don't give up hope if your cat goes missing! miracles do happen!

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