On many occasions the PETtrac Database, available 24 hrs a day 365 days a year, has helped track down pet owners who have moved to the UK from overseas but never registered the pet MicroChip details with the UK database.
In one case, it was not even an AVID MicroChip, but as a pet MicroChip manufacturer with worldwide links, AVID was able to obtain the owner contact details and re-unite them with their pet. AVID is a worldwide supplier of pet identification MicroChips, and this certainly helped when the PETtrac Database in the UK was able to contact the veterinary practice in the USA who originally implanted the MicroChip. It was this information and being able to trace the MicroChip so far back that enabled PETtrac to contact the pet owner who was in the UK and looking for their pet.
AVID and the PETtrac MicroChip Database recently launched the Pet Chip Update Campaign to remind pet owners to update their details when they change address or telephone numbers. For more details please contact www.petchipupdate.com or the AVID sales line on 0800 652 7 977