Re-Registering Pets Registered With The UK PETtrac™ Database

The UK PETtrac Database service recognises the hard work rescue organisations carry out to rehome pets with new keepers/owners.

We also understand that you already have plenty of paperwork to complete for a change of keeper when you rehome an animal, and that's why we set out to make it easier for you.

Do You Check the MicroChip Registration for an Animal Surrendered to Your Care?

It is very important that you check to make sure the individual surrendering the pet is the same person registered on the pet MicroChip.

Unfortunately, we see more and more cases where a stolen pet is surrendered to a rescue centre, or where there is a dispute between keepers. By checking the MicroChip details on the database you can help to pre-empt any potential problems you could encounter.

Checking the record when the animal is surrendered will also allow you to identify which UK MicroChip Database you need to contact to re-register the MicroChip once the pet has been rehomed.

An Online System That Can Save You a Lot of Time

Our online rescue accounts are built to help you complete registrations and transfers as quickly and easily as possible.

By incorporating the re-registration process with the search feature, updating microchips has become a "one step process" allowing you to complete a MicroChip search, to ensure the correct party has surrendered the pet to yourselves and then update the MicroChip to yourselves on the same page

Our online system also incorporates features like Dual Registration and Lifeline Contact which can help you ensure the animal's welfare even after it has been rehomed. For information on these services, you can contact us on 01273 408721 and we'll be happy to talk you about it.

Login / Sign Up Now

If you have any questions about this service, please contact us on 01273 408721 and a member of our team will be happy to help.